Sunday, January 17, 2010

What do you think of a parent who makes their kid carry a washing machine from Boise to Nebraska as punishment

Well it would have to fit the crime, possibly mixing a red sock in with the whites.What do you think of a parent who makes their kid carry a washing machine from Boise to Nebraska as punishment
It might actually build good character. What doesn't kill him will surely make him stronger and as long as they don't make a habit of this, and make sure that he's properly nourished and isn't neglected, this type of punishment might be just what the doctor ordered.

It really would depend on a lot about if this would be a good idea, including how old is the kid, how strong, etc.What do you think of a parent who makes their kid carry a washing machine from Boise to Nebraska as punishment
Well knowing what dumbass, redkneck jerks some Idahoans are I wouldn't put anything past them. But do you really expect people to swallow that crap.? Even a strong, fit

adult would hardly be able to do that and by the way Iv'e driven that's a long....long way to NE. from ID.

Some sheriff or highway cop would be stopping in no time and charging the parents with neglect and a host of other things these days......gimme a break.!
Pretty creative parenting. The kid must have done something really bad. I always admire people who aren't afraid to discipline their kids creatively, without beating them.
I think he / she should be taken out back and shot.

Unless the kid forgot the fabric softener, then it would be justified...

Some people should just not be allowed to have kids.


well also it depends what age the kid was

but still



funny ;)

Wouldn't actually think of a parent doing that though O_O
Thats soo mean- and before you make yo child do this think about their health. Why not make them weed your back yard instead?
I think that is not a good punishment and they need to reanalize their way of parenting.
They're stupid. They should be exploiting their child's strength on television and in competitions. That way they can make money.
Punishment for what?
How old is the child and how big is the washing machine. lol
If you allow him at least a five minute break in Rock Springs, he should be fine.
I think that is innovative. Kudos to them for being so original.
how old is the kid?seems a bit heavy but too many parents are afraid to punish kids these days
That is disgusting and inhumane. I would call child services!
That sounds unsafe.
evil (how old is you kid?)
I think that would suck pretty bad...
You're joking, right?
carry on their back/with hand, i don't think that that will ever happen
well i think those parents are evil to do that
sounds fair to me
omg thats just crazy

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