Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Which emotions are usually felt when a child sees another parent hit the other parent?

how often is it anger?

and how different than if hitting them?

why parents might do this too?

and how often do these feelings cause other problems later in life?

please explain and describe

how often these are first negative emotions experienced?

and ways they can be ';relived'; again and negative emotions tied to these memories re FELT again so persons emotional state is properly working again?

please explain and describe

thanks for your answers!Which emotions are usually felt when a child sees another parent hit the other parent?
1) This falls under Social Learning Theory: http://psychology.about.com/od/developme鈥?/a>

2) The emotions involved are: frustration, anger, sadness, pain, a feeling apathy, and retaliation, ect.

3) The child would know that it is not being hit itself, as it will not feel the pain but it will feel hurt and empathy for the parent who has been hit.

4) These feelings can become repressed into the subconscious mind and continue to influence the person's behaviour as an adult.

5) They are not first negative emotions experienced, because as soon as the baby is born it crys because it has left the womb and must experience a change in circumstances, and gets smacked, and hears banging noises because the doctors think their checking that its nervous system is functioning ok.

6) These emotional experiences can be relived through: http://psychology.about.com/od/cindex/g/鈥?/a>

7) Catharsis brings out all the pain, upset, and resentment, so that the person can deal with it and live a constructive life.

8)Which emotions are usually felt when a child sees another parent hit the other parent?
Utter confusion about how relationships work. They may think that in order to love someone, you have to hit them, and they may then hit others in their life and turn to violence. Look at performer Chris Brown. He used to see his dad beat up his mom and then he went and beat up his girlfriend Rihanna. It's a learned behavior and it's sad, but common.
Fear is what I felt.
well i witnessed my dad pin my mom up to a wall by her neck and throw her down the hall by her hair. when she screamed for help he ripped the phone chored out of the wall. i was only 7 years old at the time, i snuck out of my window and ran for help.

from personal expierence i would say,

i felt extremly confused, i couldnt understand why someone i loved was hurting someone else i loved.

but i also felt like i had to do anything to help her.

i felt angry with my dad and scared i would be punished by him for helping her.

mainly i was scared and confused, i didnt know what to do.

i didnt know if i should have gone for help and maybe somebody would stop him, or somehow i would fail and get punished.

they are devorced now, when i was 12 she ended up marrying another man who didnt beat her, he beat me.

it was sort of the same feeling.

he had pulled me of the top bunk on my bunk bed while i was sleeping, thrown mw into the corner of the wall and kicked me.

when he would leave to go to work at 5am and saw that the house wasnt clean i would wake up to him hitting me. i was scared to go to sleep.

when i tried to get help, i ran to a neighbors house, they wouldnt let me leave until the cops showed up, finally they showed up at 1am and took pictures of my bruises and then just drove me back home.

since i was missing and didnt come home till 2am, the beating began.

as punishment for doing so, he actually killed my dog.

she later devorced him, and now that i had my freedom, i was 15 and began using drugs.

i spent 3 months in inpatient reha
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