Do everything it takes to make your marriage work first. Just talking isn't going to help, though a lot of people think that is the cure all for everything. Show her that you want to make this work. What part did you play, for the marriage to get where it is today? It takes two.What do I do being a married single parent that does not want to harm his children with a divorce?
Ya know, that just ain't right!
Ok, the older your children are, the more painful it will be for them. For their good, do it while they have time for their memories to fade. And remember to clarify that you both still love *them*, and it's not their fault. Your love for your children will not change. Good luck. :)
I know my answer is not very detailed and it's short, but I was the child of divorced parents, and the older you are the more painful it is. Trust me.
My parents got divorced when i was young and although it hurt at the time, i soon realised that it was for the best, not only were my parents much happier but it also had a positive effect on my sister and I, no longer did we have to deal with the arguments or put up with the tension.
It really was the best thing all round!!!!!!!!
Divorce should be the last option, but in some cases cannot be avoided and sometimes it really is for the best.
Staying together for the kids is a mistake learned the hard way they will be hurt no matter what they see and feel whats going on at home .I took it for 20 years before we divorced the kids tell me now I was stupied to stay for them that long. now I'm happy they are happy the ex is happy he got what he wanted. just talk to the kids together let them know its something between you two nothing to do with them we did that was up front there was no more love for each other.but we love them and always will. kids are smarter and stronger than we want to beleive. Good Luck in what ever you deside to do.
Seek professional assistance to better communicate with each other. Thus getting to the bottom of whatever issues that are between you both. If resolution is impossible....or if one truly no longer wishes to remain in the marriage, then by all means work thru an amicable divorce, if at all possible.
No one is able to live in an unhappy/disconnected relationship indefinitely. It will eventually crumble.
wow, someone feels the same as i do on here? whenever i take my kid out, i do it alone, although i am married. i eat alone, i talk to my sister ONLY, i sleep alone, i never go out, i have horrible nonexistent sex with my husband that i get no satisfaction from, i have one way communication with my husband (i talk, and he doesn't even listen). i am a single married parent...i do everything alone. i'm tired of it too, but my daughter loves her dad dearly that she hardly sees because he's a workaholic! we live in the same house. he's always too tired or working. i'm sick of it...i'd do better if i was all alone, what does he need me for? i understand and sympathize with you.
yes leave him but dont deny him any part the kids lives his mind set toward family life will reflect in his activeness in your families life.i would also suggest you start screwing eveyone you can befor you become undesireable in other mans eyes
I've seen a lot of relationships like this. The best thing I can recommend is marriage counseling. Some men think they are beyond that, so if he refuses, try talking to him about other alternatives. Since I don't know the intimate details, I'm not sure what to tell you otherwise. The solution depends on your situation, and what response, if any, you get out of your husband. If you'd like to email me for a better response, please feel free.
Good Luck!
My advice: DO NOT STAY TOGETHER FOR THE SAKE OF THE KIDS!! It doesn't serve anyone. Also, the younger the children are when the divorce occurs the easier it is on them. I was married for 11 years also, and had two sons who were 10 and 7 at the time. I had contemplated divorce for almost 5 years and wish now that I would have done it sooner. I am very happy and so are my boys. Good luck to all of you.
my parents are going through a divorce. i guess the only thing is to go to marriage councilling because no matter what your kids will get hurt through this. i don't like my father now because of this so my advice is to try all much as possible to work things out.
doesnt matter what you do, let your kids know it wasnt there fault, treat them no differently and if you do divorce never say anything bad about your other in front of the kids. and as much as you try and hide things from kids there smart enough to figure things out.
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