Thursday, January 21, 2010

Is it okay for a parent to spank their child to discipline them?

I think you will probably get lots of feedback on both sides of the spectrum to this question. My personal opinion, and how we plan to discipline our children, is this... I think it is OK to spank your children only if you keep the following things in mind.

1) Spanking should not be the first thing you automatically do. There are many other forms of discipline such as time out, taking toys away, giving treats, etc. that should be tried first.

2) Spanking should not be used if it is not effective on your child. Children are all different and they should not all be treated as the same. If spanking works, use it. If not, try something else. All children will have a way that works for them.

3) Do not spank your child when you are angry! Let the situation cool down and you before you decide if that is what you should do. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. But you will regret it if you lash out in anger!

4) Make sure your child knows why they are being spanked. Don't just pop them without making sure they understand why.

5) In my book, there is a BIG difference between spanking and child abuse! Spanking - a short, quick pop to the behind or hand. Child abuse - prolonged hitting that leaves bruises (physical or psychological).

6) Spanking should be a personal preference. If you don't have a problem with it, try it in the proper environment. If you are against it, don't do it! It is as simple as that.Children can grow up just fine with or without spanking.Is it okay for a parent to spank their child to discipline them?
I think that spanking is a very acceptable form of discipline. Mainly it is a way to leave the mark on the child's mind. It's an uncomfortable situation that makes the child think, ';Hey, maybe I shouldn't do this again.';

While sometimes a harsh talking to is all that needs to be done, it doesn't leave the same imprint as a spanking. While being lectured, a 4 or 5 year old isn't going to just sit and listen. They're going to think about other things.

If you decide that spanking IS ok, you should make sure that the child knows what it is they're being spanked for. A lot of times parents will just spank the kid and let that be that, but the child will keep doing the wrong thing because they don't know why they're being punished.

Hope this helps. =)Is it okay for a parent to spank their child to discipline them?
that's up to the parent. some parents will say absolutely not....others find it an acceptable form of discipline. neither is right or wrong. that decision is up to them.

cps will tell you it's ok to spank a child as long as it doesn't leave a bruise. some states will even allow a bruise up to the size of a quarter believe it or not (that's taking it to far in my opinion). i was spanked as a child and so were my children. i wasn't emotionally scarred and neither are my children. they, along with myself, were only spanked in instances that may have harmed them and they knew better than to do. as my children have gotten older, the need for them to be spanked is no longer. i actually can't remember the last time they were spanked.

there is a vast difference in spanking your child and beating your child.
I rarely spank but that does not mean I don't agree with spanking. Most of the time I try to find another method, another way to get them to look, pay attention and do the right thing. However, once in a while I believe it is necessary to spank, as long as you are in control of yourself and the child understand the reason for the punishment. Some children need no such punishment at all. My son, for example, rarely needs that sort of punishment. If you talk to him and just let him know you are disappointed it has more affect on him than anything. My daughter is a different story. She could hear no, see no, and be talked to all day and still do it just to spite. In that situation the only option is a hefty restriction or a spanking to let her know I mean business. I can tell you that I have only had to spank her four times in seven years but it was enough to let her know that what I say I mean.
I spank my child when its deserved. Most of the time when I discipline her she gets a time out, but some things are more deserving of a spanking, such as running out in the street in front of a car.

If someone were to ever get in my face and try and tell me that spanking my child is abuse, I'd tell them where to go. Its NOT their business.
how parents to choose to discipline their children is their long as u dk of child abuse....i personally dnt think spanking is wrong but lik i said as long as their not abusing their child i dnt think nothing wrong with it...and they use spanking for the right time and not spanking them for every little thing.
if your child is a bad one then yes but if your in the store don't spank just say';i have a surprise for you in the car';.then give them a little ';WAP'; loud enough for you to hear
im so sick of this question already i could scream. get over it people, some spank, some dont, end of story, if you dont like it dont do it, if you believe in it go for it. FINISHED.
Yes. Spare the rod spoil the child. A spanking every once in a while is necessary.
Why do people feel the need to ask this question EVERY single day?

Someone already posted this below.READ before you post.
Hot button topic. But I think it's fine to spank your children. Spare the rod, spoil the child.
Yes it is. Spanking is one of many valid and effective methods.
Yes, because there is a difference between beating and spanking. Go for it
Yes, spare the rod and spoil the child
some times that is the only thing that works
I'm kind of getting sick of this question. A good loving parent should not want to inflict any amount of pain on their child when there are other perfectly good way of disciplining them. I'm sick of people saying they hit their childs hand when they are going to touch something that will hurt them. So basically they are stopping a child from hurting themselves by, well, hurting them. How does that even make any sense?
Spanking is bad, only if you want your child to keep disobeying you.... or if you want more serious problems in the future. In other words, if you want a kid who misbehaves, spanking isn't for you.

Unless one is lucky enough to have a child that always listens to orders and is completely obedient 100% of the time.


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