Sunday, January 17, 2010


He has been my friend for 2 years.And his parents want me

every time I go there and eventually i`ll see them and I have to

hug them and smile and say hi.But they take me to the beach,

museum ,park.The huging makes me uncomfortable.I still want to be his friend.Want do i do?I HAVE A FRIEND AND HIS PARENT HAVE A NEW STRANGE RULE?
That happen to me once , and I had to lie and tell them i just had a boob job, so a hand shake was going to have to doI HAVE A FRIEND AND HIS PARENT HAVE A NEW STRANGE RULE?
Some people are more physical than others but you have to trust yourself, if it makes you uncomfortable then you need to make it known. If they don't mean anything of it then they should not be offended by being addressed. If you don't want to come out and tell them then ask your parents to tell them. You should definitely tell your parents anyway that this makes you uncomfortable. Your parents are on your side and one of their jobs is to protect you. Good luck.
When they go in to hug put out your hand first. Keep doing this. That's a subtle hint that should help. Tell your friend it makes you uncomfortable. He will probably be embarrassed and will have a word with his folks. Try and hang out at your place more and don't go to his house as often if this behaviour continues. Best of luck! I'm in the same situation though i don't feel too uncomfortable about it as i don't go over to his much. So i get where you're coming from! Good luck!
It's a rule that you have to hug his parents? That's kind of creepy :)

Next time they go to hug you, just step back and say, nicely, ';You know, this makes me feel uncomfortable. I don't really want to hug.'; :) If they are genuinely nice people, they'll understand. If they are crazy molesters, then they might get angry. Either way, you'll know if you should get out of there or not :)
just tell them that , the smile and Hi is fine but the Hug makes you feel comfortable ..
U A ****** lAME!!!!!

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