Friday, January 15, 2010

Can't a birth certificate be changed after birth to replace a parent name, ie in adoptions? ?

Can other information, such as hospital or date also be ';corrected'; or changed?Can't a birth certificate be changed after birth to replace a parent name, ie in adoptions? ?
it can be corrected..

for instance if no father or the wrong father was named

for adoption

in adoption there is the original BC-which is often in a sealed file in closed adoptions--and than the new post adoption certificate--

sometimes adoptees have access to the original--my cousin was adopted 40 years ago--teh original BC is sealed-she does not have access to the birth mom infoCan't a birth certificate be changed after birth to replace a parent name, ie in adoptions? ?
I dont believe so. The information on a BC should be correct before they give it to you. Why would you want to change the hospital name? And I dont think you can replace the name is adoptions either. Alot of people use their BCs to fidn out who their real parents are. You didnt have that child youself, youre just legally their parent.
Not without a court order. A public record can't be changed without good reason. When you're born at a particular hospital,. you're born there...not sure how you can dispute or change that. Your date of birth is your date of birth as well.
I n my state it can be done , I married a gal who had a two year old daughter, and we found out that he was abusing her. So with a good lawyer we petioned the courts and had my name listed as the father on th B.C.
Honey, if you are good at photoshop you can do anything! But do you really think this wasn't looked at when he ran for Lt Gov, state senator and US senator? Please give it a rest. You chose a loser to support.
Yes they can with a court order. With hospital records it depends on who is a crook in the hospital.
Yes it can. I was legally adopted by my stepfather when I was 13. My birth certificate and social security card were changed to reflect my new last name.
Any changes come with a paper trail from the court. Adoption for example, adding a father who wasn't ordinarily on the certificate.
No, just amended.

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