Monday, May 10, 2010

What is your biggest problem you encountered as a parent of a newborn/toddler?

So far for me, it was breastfeeding. I had a really tough first 5 weeks, with excruciating pain, dry and cracked nipples and my son's latch. After 5 weeks, everything fell into place.. now 5 months later, I am still breastfeeding and am planning to go a year or more. I love it!! The bonding experience is so wonderful. Other than that, I have not really had any other problems.. I am pretty lucky in that my son is really just a sweet, mellow and kind natured baby, always happy and never fussy. I feel blessed. ;-)What is your biggest problem you encountered as a parent of a newborn/toddler?
colic and constipation

mommy of a 1 month old!!What is your biggest problem you encountered as a parent of a newborn/toddler?
Definately breastfeeding my baby is 2 weeks old and I have mastitis already which is the most painful thing ever. I am unable to feed because they are so sore. I am so disappointed as I have had to put her on formula.
So far it has been breastfeeding.
potty training is to much stress
Bathing her (nightmare), trying to rock her back to sleep at 3am (did that for about 6wks), Bonding with her in the first 5 wks - it was hard being on my own, and being the one who had to do everything i didnt get time to bond properly, but ive made up for it now, and my baby is my best buddy!!!
Learning to be confident and trust my instincts in the beginning and to not worry and enjoy my baby from day one. I was so worried about doing everything right that I forgot to sit back, relax, and enjoy.
trying to juggle work, daycare and a life, I have let my self go alls I think about is my children, never have time to myself, never go anywhere by myself.
LISTENING TO TO MANY PEOPLE. I will never listen with my 2nd one as you get to confused with everyones advice. I learnt to follow your own instinct.
Worrying about what babys grand parents thought (i did what I thought but allowed them to influence occasionally but wish I had been firmer when looking back)

Worrying that baby didnt like me...I later realised baby didnt just settle for me sometimes as he could smell my milk( breastfeeder) he was always getting passed to me when he cried ';cos he is hungry'; so in effect not only did he settle sometimes better with out me (when not hungry) he wanted me when crying(ooh he must be hungry- no other explanation :) )
Sifting through all the advice given and trying to figure out what is good advice and what is bad. I was given advice by people who have terribly naughty children and tried to follow alot of it but about 2 weeks ago i thought ';hang on do i want my daughter to grow up like these kids';. I think you are so inundated with information from friends, family and professionals and at a time when you are so fragile and out of oyur depth you try to do everything everone tells you it nearly drove me crazy next time i will be telling everyone to back off!!!
The biggest problem we've encountered so far with my yr and half old son is disciplining him in public. Its so hard to try to find a safe place to give time outs in when he is throwing tantrums in the store or restaurant.

Another problem we've encountered is having things be consistent for him. My mother-in-law watches him and she lets him get away with a lot of things that we wouldn't. Also a lot of my brothers/sisters-in-laws still live with my mother-in-law so its hard to get them not to give him stuff/teach him bad things.

We're slowly working on it, but the discpline thing is certainly the hardest.
Learning to change a diaper on a little boy without being hosed down LOL... it finally all gets worked out and thankfully it did quickly! that was in early infancy

In later infancy it was learning to not judge my child's accomplishments or milestones by other people's kids and to let him blossom where he was at that moment. Not an easy thing to do in a world of competive parents going ';what can your child do'; everywhere you look.

Now facing the start of toddler hood as my little one will be 1 in a few weeks it's learning not to panic when he stumbles and falls down occassionally in his quest to learn to walk. It comes with accepting the fact that I can not foam rubber the world (all though at times in the back of my mind I wish I could!)
i am not a patient person!!! counting to 10 really helps when i am juggling a fussy boy who wont nap, barking dogs, and a husband who wants me to have sex with him every night!!!!

but seriously, it was difficult for me to understand that i cant tell a newborn what to do ( like stop crying, eat your bottle, go to sleep) i am very used to being in charge, ( from my manager job, to my hubby who often needs a swift kick in the behind) and it took a little while to understand that my son was in control.
My daughter was super easy. We never really had problems.

My son, on the other hand, colic was our biggest problem :-(
Sleepless nights. Now my son is three and still using diapers! nice

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