Monday, May 10, 2010

When should a parent take their small child out during a church service?

I'm just wondering, because there was a young one that kept crying during mass today and the parents never took him out. The priest tried to block it out but i knew it was getting to him. So when is it time to take the little one out to calm them down?When should a parent take their small child out during a church service?
A parent can sense when a kid is about to start crying- they get fidgety and make weird faces- the prelude to the hissy fit. Take them out then, before they open their mouths. I don't want to hear them and will pointedly look at the parents until they vamoose. Same can be said for misbehaving kids in restaurants. Get them out first, calm them down, and then, if they can stay calm, they can come back.When should a parent take their small child out during a church service?
The time to take a child out of any social situation is when his/her behavior has a negative impact on the rest of the group. If the child cries throughout mass, the parents should take him/her out. It's obvious that the child isn't getting anything out of it, and it's disruptive to the prayer service of all of the other church memebers.
A good church should have a cry room the parent can sit in and calm little one down in whilst still hearing the service through a loud speaker. If the church doesnt have one they need to get with the times - if they do have one that parent might need someone to tell them about it.
well, shame on your church for not having a place for little ones but the parents should have taken that child out immediately when it started to fuss
A parent should never take a child or infant into the sanctuary if the child will not behave, or if the infant cries. The church should have ushers to escort them out if they don't. Yes it may seem rude to a few-but it is more rude to the whole congregation. Think about the priest/pastor/minister who is trying to deliver their message that took a week to construct.
I would consider giving him up for adoption before I would ever take out a small child and in church are you crazy what about all the witnesses i mean sure he be quiet but damn then youd go to prison for life and after that Im just sure gods gonna have a thing or to to say about that particular sin best just to leave church and pray at home .
Yes, it is distracting for the priest and everyone listening. Most churches have a room for parents to go back into with their crying children, but if not, they need to take them outside to be courteous to everyone else, as soon as they start crying!! I know I hate it when it happens at my church, and it does almost every Sunday!
great question...this annoys me a lot, too.

church/movies/restuarants....they should be taken out as soon as they start crying.

the sad part is that you won't find anybody who replied to your question say any differently...except for Meiskul ---whose response didn't make any sense...and yet so many people don't do it.
As soon as they realize that they brought them to church.
Our church has a glassed in area with pews and a sound feed so parents with fussy children can sit, watch, listen, and the screaming kids aren't heard.
put them in sunday school that is what it is for..
How little some time determines it. Some larger churches have newborn rooms where mom can listen and care for a crying baby. If it is a 1-3 year old, when you can not distract them with pencils, paper, colors then take them out to the foyer. I'm sure the priest will find a way to take care of it in the future.
When everyone closes their eyes.
when the crying starts.
When your young one is creating such a ruckus that the focus is on him instead of worship, take him out. The kid's obviously getting nothing out of it, and the parents are inflicting him on a congregation that COULD.
As soon as it affects other people, which is early. The goal is to remove the noise without rewarding the the little one for being bad. Make sure that ';taking them out'; isn't more pleasant than staying or they will put up a large fuss everytime to get rewarded.

No matter the reasons for staying, they should have respected others and removed the child from church. Its not the job of the entire church to endure that for the sake of rasing a child, making a point, or allowing the parents to stay.
We have a cry room in our church. It's only considerate for the child to be taken out so as not to disturb the service. The parents were inconsiderate. Perhaps the priest should make an announcement about crying children.
Take a child out whenever he is being a distraction to what is going on.
good dam people you shouldnt even have them there in the first place if you cant keep them quite to start with thats how you know thier old enough is when you say quite and they go quite

other wise they are to young and cant be blamed for their actions

only the parets think of it like this would you take your untrainned puppy to church? no becuase he might pee all over the floor , baby crying is air pollution its a mess that no one wants to be around even if they have thier own kids they dont want to hear your crying
The church I went to growing up had ';Children's Chapel'; during the first half of the service, during the reading of the Word. Kids gather in the basement and the lessons are explained to them on their terms. They join their families at the Peace for Communion.

This is the best way to deal with preschoolers, because an hour and a half is way too long to expect them to sit still and be quiet. Your chuch should put together a program like this to deal with the little guys so they don't get bored.

Even at churches that don't have Children's Chapel, there are usually nurseries parents can leave their kids in for part of all of the service. As I have said in other responses, when civilized adults go into public, they do so with the expectation of dealing with other civilized adults and not with barbarian children and their idiot parents. If you as a parent know your child can't handle being out, you shouldn't force the child to go.

Personally, I don't know how people can worship and pay attention to the liturgy when they are wrangling a couple of squirming children. I don't have kids, but when I do I have every intention of putting them in a program so that I can concentrate on what I'm doing for that one little bit of time once a week and go back to being a better mom. That's what responsible parents do.
As soon as the crying or noisy/disruptive behavior becomes a distraction from the service, then the parents should take the child out. To remain in their seats is not only rude and inconsiderate to those around them, but is extremely selfish. Shame on those parents.
i can see both sides....on one hand if the child is screaming so much anywhere (not just in church) that its hard ofr others to concentrate, then its very disrespectful and impolite to have them in there. on the other hand, people can expect there will be small children in church and should be prepared to deal with them crying. they have a right to be there too.
That was rude of them they should remove the child when they are disturbing the ppl around them. Next time i would ask them to remove the child.
I'd say give them a few mins to calm down and then get 'em outta there! Most churches have nursuries and that is where the kids belong. It is rude and selfish to ruin the service for everyone else.
As soon as they start up, otherwise, it's just rude!
I disagree with everyones answers so far... The word church actualy means community. A childs cry is there way of saying somethings wrong. To shun someone for having something wrong with them is uncommunity like. the answer is only if there is a crying room should a parent remove a child from a service. otherwise your dening that person (because they are just little people)and thier parent, the gift of communal prayer. Which is the whole point of church,the entier community worshiping together....if you want the babies gone, get rid of people with terrets, downsindrome, emphisima, blind people, and the ones in wheel chairs,...................sounds pretty stupid dosent it.....

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